
Meet Lisa: Taking the Time to Heal
As the daughter of a cattle foreman, California native Lisa Avila grew up in the saddle. Horsemanship was second nature. While her passion for high performance horse sports eventually led her to experiences far beyond ranch life, a generations-old ability to train horses was coded into her DNA. In 2008 she established Burgeon Training in California's East Bay, where she has built her reputation within the equestrian
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Meet Kathy: Determined to Adapt
Kathy Poppe-Pullen won the 2015 Trainer of the Year award from the Central New Jersey Horsemen’s Association with an impressive list of credentials. She had decades of experience as a hunter-jumper professional and her USEF judge’s card. She was a member with colors of the Monmouth County Hunt. She had a talent for retraining off-the-track thoroughbreds and a knack for equine rehabilitation. What further set Kathy
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Meet Stacey: Back In Top Form
“Our community is so lucky to have the Equestrian Aid Foundation behind us. We have a special resource to fall back on to pick up the pieces.” From the race track to the grand prix ring, Stacey Small is known as a pioneer in the field of holistic horse care. Her herbal liniment Sore No-More is a staple in barn aisles around the globe, and for over two decades The Holistic Horse Magazine , which she co-publishes, has been a trusted
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Meet Allison: A Family's Determination
“We’re hopeful that Allison will be able to walk again someday. “ Allison Angove, a straight-A honor student and dedicated eventer with a bright future, was 16 years old on the day her life changed forever. Her accident didn’t happen over some formidable obstacle on the cross-country course; rather, she fell with her horse when it stumbled after a jump in the warmup ring, and she suffered a traumatic brain injury. Allison
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Meet Steven: From Sitting Tall to Coming Up Short
“The Equestrian Aid Foundation has been a lifeline—the difference between making it or not.” Steven Castillo can’t remember a life without horses. While he dabbled in the jumpers and eventing as a youngster, Steven developed a passion for dressage in his late teens. Several decades later, this path led Steven to a successful career as a trainer, competitor, instructor and judge. Steven prides himself on carving
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Meet Carolyn: Back in the Saddle
“When you constantly hear bad news, it wears you down. A lot of stories can't have a happy ending. But I'm glad to say, I'm doing okay.” One month, amateur dressage rider Carolyn Davey was working and riding with high hopes of achieving her equestrian goals. The next month everything changed. Carolyn was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, and chemotherapy and radiation were ruled out as viable treatment
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Meet Christine: Keeping Her Chin Up
“I have to look at what is happening to me like I look at riding—the only way to get better is to sit up straight, throw your shoulders back and keep your chin up.” A lifelong horsewoman, Christine Campbell has trained everything from field hunters to elite-level jumpers. She has worked in some of the country’s most prestigious stables, yet her passion lies in the dusty, grassroots arenas where she’s given countless children
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Meet Raymond: A Legend of the Hunter Ring
Around the hunter ring, Raymond Francis’s name is synonymous with excellence. A trainer, breeder, horse show official and beyond, he is the quintessential horseman—a legend. A revered member of the Professional Horseman’s Association and an inductee into the National Show Hunter Hall of Fame, Ray has won many of the country’s most prestigious awards for his accomplishments and contributions to the industry. His
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Meet Alena: Hopeful for a Bright Future
“Thank you for the leg up.” Alena Weida is the kind of girl who has always gotten back on the horse. She began taking western riding lessons when she was 10 and rounded out her high school years as a 4-H-er, barrel racer and rodeo queen. Determined to work her way through college, Alena took a job as an animal technician in the theater industry, where her can-do spirit landed her jobs with everything from horses to zebras
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meet trevor: soaring to new heights
"The Equestrian Aid Foundation was a tremendous help to me during a tumultuous time." A lifelong horseman and ranch hand with a quiet assuredness and gentle manner, Trevor made his living as a farrier until the day he was kicked so badly that both his kneecap and femur shattered. After an initial unsuccessful surgery, his doctor performed a total knee replacement that left him temporarily non-weight bearing and permanently
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